Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cohen has a girlfriend!!

Ok, well maybe she's not the romantic kind of girlfriend, but she's definitely a girl and she's definitely a friend. Look how much fun they have together. It is sooooo cute! If you don't remember, Cohen and Addison were born exactly 1 week apart (and her parents and us were married exactly 1 week apart!)

This is them together just a few months ago. I can't believe how much they have grown.

Addison is "Standin by her Man." It would crack us up when she would hold onto him like this.

ACU Today here we come! Look for this cute couple on the next cover (ok, maybe not. But they should be!)

He has no shame! He just stands up butt-naked right in front of her.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day #1!!

Yesterday was the best Mother's Day I've ever had... well, maybe it was the only Mother's Day I've ever had. Cohen and Chad took me to the Rangers game (it was Cohen's first.)
Here he is taking his pre-game bottle.

"GO Rangers!!"

Why is he so happy in the picture with Dad and so serious in the one with me? I like to think it's because I act like a big goofball behind the camera in order to get him to smile, and dad just snaps the picture. It must be a guy thing...

"Go Rangers....zzzzzz.....zzzzzz...." (see previous post)

When we got home from the game, I walked in to find this. Cohen left me a bouquet of flowers and made a little sketch of his own hands. Well, maybe he had some help!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fun on Fridays!

For the past couple of Fridays we have had family fun night! 2 weeks ago we went on our first family picnic to the park in our neighborhood. Cohen LOVES to be outside, so of course he was happy the entire time. He also ate his first strawberry that night. I wish I had a picture of that face! By the look on his face you would have thought that he just ate the worst thing he ever tasted, but he kept going back for more!
Strawberry Lips! You can't have him girls... he's mine for the next 18 years!

Last Friday night we took Cohen to his first Mavs game! They were great seats (thanks Neal for the free tickets!) He was in awe the entire game. He couldn't quite take it all in....

If you'll notice he's staring very seriously in every picture. He couldn't take his eyes off the lights and the jumbotron!

"GO MAVS!!!"

On the car ride home: "Go Mavs.... zzzzzz.....zzzzzz......"