Here are several pictures from the past month. It's been a while since I've done a post.
Cohen got his first haircut a few weeks ago. He did surprisingly well. Now the baby hair is gone and yes, I put products on my child's hair. I can't help it. He looks so handsome!
A few weeks ago we made a trip to Edmond to visit my family before basketball season gets started. The state fair was going on so we took Cohen on his first visit to the fair. I have so many fun memories from my growing up years at the fair, so it was fun to see Cohen there. Of course his favorite thing was the petting zoo!
This is nothing special. I just love this picture.
So, I have been in California all week at a conference for work. So Chad held down everything on the home front for the week. While I was gone Chad taught Cohen to eat with a spoon. So, when I got home tonight I cooked Chad's favorite meal. My Beef Stroganoff. I felt bad that he had lived on sandwiches and frozen pizza all week (he doesn't cook.) Cohen was excited to show off his new skill to mommy.
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