Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Long time, no blog (and no sleep)...

Ok, I really do have a great excuse (kind of)... I have been waiting to blog because I have had this big announcement to make that I thought was going to be ready any day now so I have been holding out for that (no, I'm not pregnant)... but the announcement is still not ready to make and I have been feeling really guilty about not blogging lately. SO, you'll have to wait a few more days for that big THING I have to announce...

What else has been going on? Hmmm... well, as some of you know Cohen is STILL not sleeping through the night! You know, we did the BabyWise thing and he started sleeping through the night at about 10 weeks, but that only lasted about a month. I can count on one hand the amount of times he has done it since. So, if any of you moms out there have any advice for us just let me know. Here's the thing...we don't feed him, we don't even pick him up. We just stick his paci back in his mouth, flip him back over (he's a stomach sleeper), pat him on the bottom a few times and he goes right back to sleep. That happens at least twice every night, most of the time more. The past couple of nights we have tried to let him cry it out. Our limit is 20 minutes, after that we go in, except it takes a lot longer to get him to go back to sleep because he is so worked up. I think the purpose of this method is that he teaches himself to cry to sleep, but he has yet to do that so we've gotten nowhere the past couple of nights and the "all-nighters" have been for nothing! All that said, I really do have a sweet child but if anyone has any sleeping through the night advice I could really use it right about now. Here are some recent pics of my cute little guy. I think he gets a little more gorgeous each day....

This is his crawling position. Ok, it's more of a swim and a scoot.

This is his kissy face...it cracks me up everytime!

These eyes get me every time....

He thinks I'm funny. I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts...

This is one of our tactics to try to keep him from rolling over and waking himself up...most of the time it doesn't work...

This is his new favorite hat. He wears it when we go on stroller rides so his bald and white (he's got his dad's coloring) head doesn't get burned.


Raena said...

Check out www.askdrsears.com . He has lots of advice that has worked with both of mine.

Lori said...

thanks for the update...love the pics. He has the biggest blue eyes! it was good to talk to you yesterday.

Hollie Reese said...

I live by the "baby whisperer." It worked on both mine, and you remember what getting Riley to sleep was like!

I think we are coming to the game Friday night!!

allyo said...

Yeah! We have missed you!! Let me know if you need me to keep him a night (you can sleep through the night that way for sure:) He is so cute!

Can't wait to hear the big surprise.

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Glad you decided to blog! I miss seeing pictures of those blue eyes. If him and Meg got married and had babies one day...MAN blue eye central I tell ya! :)Good to see you this weekend!!

Mauri said...

I hope the big news is that you are moving to Abilene! Wouldn't that be fun???? Cohen is getting cuter every time I see pics... if that is even possible!

JKMeeks said...

I read your blog because we are friends with Mauri and Chris, so... here is motherly advice from a stranger...I dont know what babywise is so if this has anything to do with it, excuse the repetition. I noticed that with our little girl she would roll over like Cohen does and then she realized we werent there and that is why she started to fuss a little. So I took a t-shirt of mine and slept in it for two or three nights and so it smelled like me, then I rolled it up and laid it next to her. When she would wake up she would think I was there.

Just something to try!

ThePoeFam said...

I would love to talk to you...I'm no expert but I've been there! Get my number from Molly and CALL ME! :)

Liz*** said...

Hang in there! It does get better!!

Holly O'Quinn said...

You are such a tease! I'm trying to think of what your fun news might be!

Ah yes... It seems like once our kiddos get something mastered everything changes. I think it's totally natural and it is so hard to listen to them cry. Jacob is a Babywise baby and he went through a time like this and then he moved on. I tried some other methods but really didn't have a lot of luck. The best advice I can give is stay confident and pray about it a lot. I started questioning my decisions but honestly as his mother YOU know what is best for him.

Holly O'Quinn said...

You are such a tease! I'm trying to think of what your fun news might be!

Ah yes... It seems like once our kiddos get something mastered everything changes. I think it's totally natural and it is so hard to listen to them cry. Jacob is a Babywise baby and he went through a time like this and then he moved on. I tried some other methods but really didn't have a lot of luck. The best advice I can give is stay confident and pray about it a lot. I started questioning my decisions but honestly as his mother YOU know what is best for him.