Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Power!

I want everyone to know how proud I am of our little boy! We started potty training this morning. It went fairly well for Day #1, but when we started the day I had no expectations of him actually pooping in the potty, but he sure did! I know that we're still a long way from being completely potty trained, but this was such a proud moment for me!

Here he is inspecting the damage!

Pouring it into the potty. This picture cracks me up (no pun intended) because if you look closely you can see the ring on his butt from sitting on the potty.

Here he is enjoying the sweet victory with a sucker!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day at the Aquarium

After a week of basketball camp, Chad had his first day of summer vacation on Monday. So I took a vacation day and we headed down to the Dallas World Aquarium.

We tried to get a good family picture but Cohen wasn't cooperating. Don't ask me what face he is making in this picture.
He was intrigued by the stingrays...

His favorite movie right now is "Happy Feet" so, of course, his favorite exhibit was the penguins! Chad bought Cohen a penguin at the gift shop. Here he is giving it a kiss!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Helping Daddy Around the House

Cohen has been helping out more and more around the house lately... in his own way, of course!

He's been raking the sidewalk...

And sweeping the grass...

And putting new knobs on all the doors in the house.
I promise my child wears pants, but if you can't tell, it's a little difficult to get the hat off of him.
Here are a few pictures from some more Rangers games we've been to this summer....

Lori and Micah invited us to their suite a couple of weeks ago. We had a lot of fun!

If you can't tell, Cohen loves going to Rangers games!

Wearing Daddy's hat...