Sunday, November 25, 2007

We are Thankful!!

I am dedicating this blog to all the family we are SO thankful for! The last few days were quite a ride toting Cohen around to all our family's houses. It's amazing how after having a baby everyone suddenly wants to see you more... or maybe they just want to see Cohen! Which is totally understandable b/c he is so darn cute! Here is the story of our treck in pictures.

First we headed off to Gainesville to stay at Nana and Big T's house. Even though Cohen spent a lot of time in Nana's arms I somehow got away without a picture of the two of them together. Here is Cohen just chilling out with his Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kellie....
Then he spent some play time with his Aunt Kellie....

Then Aunt Zetta came over to visit and they had some cuddle time...

Then the cousins came from San Antonio and they got to see Cohen for the first time! They also gave him his first Piggy Bank... and even made some deposits!

Cohen loves sleeping on Big T's chest. He always seems to cuddle up and find just the right spot!

The next day we made a quick stop by Mom Barr and Wanna's house. Cohen loves to play and smile with his Mom Barr!

This is Gavin, Chad's cousin's son. He's 2 1/2, but it seems like he was just Cohen's size.

From there we headed off to Southeast Oklahoma to see my family at my grandparent's house. I didn't get a picture with my grandparents. Cohen didn't get the memo that he was supposed to smile in this picture, but I thought it was still cute of him and his Aunt Chandy.

To be in this family you have to learn to play dominoes. Here he is with his Grammy taking his first lesson.

It was time to eat, so Uncle Chaney came to the rescue! When family is around it's nice to have a little break from breastfeeding.
Cohen wants all his family to know how thankful he is for them and he says, "I love you very much.... gobble, gobble!"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mommy/Son Roadtrips!!

The last two weekends Cohen and I have had mommy/son roadtrips! We went to Edmond two weekends in a row. Last weekend we went so that I could sing in my friend Jennifer's wedding and this past weekend my high school friends and their moms had a toy shower for Cohen. It was so fun to see old friends and Cohen got SO many toys. I don't know where I'm going to put all these things... I think we need a playroom. Cohen is starting to engage and smile so much! This morning he watched an entire Praise Baby DVD while I did my hair and make-up...he's such a big boy!

Jaime took this picture of him. I love this onesie!

This is Candiss and Laura, my two best friends from high school. Them and their sweet moms hosted Cohen's shower.

This is at Chad's first scrimmage. He took a break between games and came and sat with us in the stands. Since Cohen is already in bed by the time he gets home from work, he has to sneak in a visit every chance he gets.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bad Blogger

So sorry for the neglection of my blog, but for all of you who have been heckling me about not blogging lately... you would feel really guilty if you knew what my last 3 weeks have been like. I haven't had a day off work in a little over 2 weeks and I've had to pawn my poor child off to different people every day of the week so that I could get my work done. i was in charge of our 2 Fall Festivals at The Branch, so in addition to doing my regular job description (which is difficult enough with a newborn) I had to get these events ready. It's amazing that I even have pictures of Cohen from the past 3 weeks since I hardly got to see him!! Ok, enough of my sob story. All that said, I am back in action now. I took a light work day today and have been doing lots of mommy things like taking him to his dr appt and blogging! We had our 2 month appt today and he is pretty much an average child. He's in about the 50% in everything.

Here's a picture of his adorable smile (if I do say so myself.) He's been doing this a lot more lately.

This was at the Fall Festival on Halloween night.

On Friday night before Halloween we went to a costume party for Natatie's 3rd birthday! We went as the SuperLawson family....Superman, Superwoman, and SUPERBABY!! (that's what it says on his outfit, in case you can't see it.)

I had to throw this one in there. He fell asleep on Chad's arm sitting up in his bumbo chair. Don't move Chad!!
A close up pic of my little sweet pea!

I love bath time! I could cuddle with him in his cute little towels after baths all night, but going too long without a diaper is a recipe for disaster!