This weekend we celebrated Cohen's 3rd birthday. I felt like he was such a big boy! This was his first party where he has actually invited HIS friends, and not just mommy and daddy's friends. It was a lot of fun. We had a pretty simple celebration at our neighborhood pool and the kids swam. Oh yes, and of course, a party for Cohen wouldn't be complete without a game of baseball.
Here are his party cupcakes. I had to get some pictures of our little Chan. She loved playing in the pool with her Tia.
A quick family shot. Look at those good looking cousins and aunt!
Here's the game of pool baseball that the kids had going. Chad was the pitcher, of course!
Cohen blowing out his candle after everyone sang him Happy Birthday.
Yummy cupcake Mom!
What is a party without junk food!?!
This is what Channing did for most of the party... she slept in Grammy's arms.
It seems like this is how every kid's party ends up while opening presents. It's a lost cause to try and get everyone to sit. They all want to get up close and check out the new toys!
This is a silly picture, but a good one to end on. It shows just how much fun he had on his special day... blue cupcake mouth and all!
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