Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cohen has a girlfriend!!

Ok, well maybe she's not the romantic kind of girlfriend, but she's definitely a girl and she's definitely a friend. Look how much fun they have together. It is sooooo cute! If you don't remember, Cohen and Addison were born exactly 1 week apart (and her parents and us were married exactly 1 week apart!)

This is them together just a few months ago. I can't believe how much they have grown.

Addison is "Standin by her Man." It would crack us up when she would hold onto him like this.

ACU Today here we come! Look for this cute couple on the next cover (ok, maybe not. But they should be!)

He has no shame! He just stands up butt-naked right in front of her.


Mindi said...

Man, they are so cute together. After y'all left Christopher talked about what it would be like if Addison and Cohen were to get was funny!

Kelby said...

I got to meet Addison for the first time last weekend...I'm looking forward to meeting Cohen...
I think it might be their destiny to end up together. That would only be appropriate for Chad and Chris to end up being somewhat related to each other in the end

The Houston's said...

THey are adorable!!!

Kara Wilson said...

HI Cassy!
Oh my goodness.... Cohen is just too cute!!! I saw Carla this weekend and we talked about the 6 of us getting together (you, Carla, Cohen, my mom, Tanner, & I) sometime soon! We would love to meet sweet little Cohen! I also told Carla that I would let you know that we are doing swimming lessons this summer- if you are interested in joining us, let me know- it should be lots of fun!!! Hope to see you soon!
Love, Kara

Leslie said...

SO cute!!! Love watching them both grow.