I thought I'd get one more blog post in before Campbell makes her arrival! This is a recap of Christmas 2010! Being on bedrest, everyone came to us for Christmas this year. We started out on the 23rd with just the 4 of us opening our presents with each other before everyone else arrived.
Here is Cohen and Channing eagerly awaiting Daddy to pass out their presents.
Here's Channing getting down to business on her first gift.
This was Cohen's favorite gift of the season (and the cheapest, I might add. Doesn't it always work out that way?) A new basketball!
Here we are making cookies to leave out for Santa.
Here's the final product, cookies and milk left on the fireplace.
Cohen wearing most of his gifts all at once, as he plays on his new Wii Rockband drumset. Channing is trying to help. Love the new Ughs, Tia!
As I said above, he decided to wear his new bicycle helmet, cowboy belt, and cowboy boots all at once!
Channing says, "oooo, is this one for me?"
Channing is trying to tackle Grammy!
The Lawson family came and spent Christmas Day with us, but I don't have any pictures from their time here. Carla or Kellie, can you guys send me some pics so I can put them up on the blog? Cohen had so much fun playing with Jake!
On Christmas night Sheila, Neal, Paige and Holt came over. Channing got a new rocking horse!
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